Enabling People to Flourish and ‘Live their Best Lives’

About Us

Saracen Care is a supported living provider, offering outstanding care and support services to adults with a health or social care need.

We specialise in bespoke support packages, developing specific solutions and opportunities for everyone. Our support is high quality and personalised, provided in supported accommodation or people’s own homes.

Our services are commissioned by local authorities and the NHS and we cover the localities of Gloucester, Cheltenham and Swindon


Staff communication is excellent. Whenever I need information, you are more than accommodating and very knowledgeable. Every effort has been made to ensure the person we support has a stable team of people around her that respect her.

Social Worker

What We Believe

At Saracen Care we believe it’s all about the Individual. We work to deliver a service that’s tailor made to assist people to live independent and fulfilled lives – their best life. We believe in empowerment and maximising an Individual’s potential; providing choice; increasing independence; ensuring a safe and secure setting; improving health; promoting wellbeing and facilitating identity and community inclusion.

We also believe that our Care and Support staff are the most important people in our Team, where communication is at the heart of our operations. A staff team that is listened to, included, developed and valued is fundamental to what we do.

We want to support people to live their best lives, through what they are able to do for themselves and as part of their community. We advocate the principles of autonomy, choice, self-determination, freedom and responsibility which are the foundations of being person centred and taking a strengths based approach – ‘what’s strong, rather than what’s wrong.’


  • Olivia Abah was nominated for the Care Newcomber Award. Feedback from GBCA Judges:

“Olivia was genuine and empathetic. She is the very definition of what a care worker should be!”

  • The Care Employer Award. Feedback from GBCA Judges:

Jade demonstrated exemplary skill in detailing what it is to be a great employer in social care. Her team love to work there and the passion and dedication shown to the team was true leadership. Jade, clearly supports her teams to be who they are and match clients with the team so that everyone is fulfilled“.

  • The Work Force Development Award. Feedback from GBCA Judges:

A very good candidate, believes being flexible and adaptable to the needs of the staff are needed to support their workforce development. Believes learning is by doing and are committed to improving practice. Encouraging people to step up in their career pathway support. Offers a variety of learning styles and promotes “no question is a silly question”.

We’re Recruiting

Saracen Care provides high quality, personalised care in supported accommodation. We specialise in tailor made care packages, developing specific solutions for each individual. We always seek to empower and provide choice and opportunity, along with the respect and dignity everyone deserves.

We continue to take on new business and are maintaining our recruitment impetus and training provision.

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What we do

Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Dignity, Courage, Adaptability and Integrity

Our Purpose

To maximise the potential for Individuals to Live their Best Lives as part of wider society.

Our Values

Values are intrinsic and fundamental to our service, embedded in everything we do from Recruitment to Corporate Governance.

  • To treat people as we would wish to be treated ourselves;
  • To work hard to deliver a bespoke service through choice and empowerment;
  • To carefully select and manage our staff so they provide safe, quality support via person centred care.

Our Vision

For Saracen Care to be recognised as the provider and employer of choice for health and social care in our Gloucestershire and Swindon localities.

Our Mission

To provide personalised, quality-led supported living care services to vulnerable adults.

Our Approach

We advocate a VIPs approach to Person Centred Care:

A Value base that asserts the absolute value of every person and is without discrimination – “Do our actions show that we respect and value this person?”

An Individualised approach, recognising an individual’s assets – “Are we treating this person as a unique individual, understanding and building on their strengths?”

Seeing the world from the Perspective of the individual – “Are we putting ourselves in their shoes to understand how our actions or situations are being interpreted and felt?”

Providing a Social environment that supports wellbeing – “Do our actions help this person to feel socially confident and a part of their community?”

Case Studies


Congratulations are in order for our very own Aisha, as she has recently been promoted...
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Summer BBQ

This weekend our staff threw a BBQ for the people we support. It was a...
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Music and Mates

Multiple care providers in the Swindon area have joined together to create inclusive events for...
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We have an amazing achievement we would like shout about This is the first time...
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Saracen Property Purchase

The beginning of this year Saracen took the opportunity to purchase a beautiful property in...
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Food Shop Anxiety

Jack was showing signs of feeling anxious when going shopping, especially when it was crowded....
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A HUGE congratulations to Ben for completing his Diploma with *Distinction*. He has worked so...
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Ashley was supported to attend the community cycling, staff fed back “ this is a...
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Looking for a rewarding career in care?

We are looking for support staff who aspire to help vulnerable individuals live their best lives.

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